Future of Work

World dymanic implications
on the way how people work
We focus on future ways of working in accordance with global dynamics and its implications on the real estate market, workplace wellbeing, and external collaborations.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Smart, liveable cities

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation

Modern megacities and conurbations occupy no more than 2% of the planet's surface but consume more than three quarters of all generated energy and resources. More than half of all people living on Earth live in the urban landscape. The functioning of a metropolis is based on various cooperative processes, which have been relatively recently combined under the general term urban metabolism.

One of the most critical elements of this metabolic process is work. Being part of the workforce is synonymous with participating in society. While playing an essential role in the life of every inhabitant, work at the same time often becomes a source of discrimination and increasing socioeconomic inequality. On the other hand, the recent COVID-19 crisis has made it clear that conventional work patterns are not as effective as previously thought. Modern digital technologies have significantly changed the situation. It is also essential to use new methods of organising the work process that encourages self-organisation: the ability to manage the work environment independently increases job satisfaction, leading to a significant increase in productivity.

Core memory

of coworking

of coworking

Solutions, product and services development for proptech company
A company that built a digital-analogue for a community membership mechanism
based on its own utility token which grants access to shared workspaces
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